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Sesquicentennial (TXK150) Events

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In 1873 the Texas and Pacific Railroad and the Cairo Fulton Railroad were looking to connect and expand services across the Texas and Arkansas state line, and on December 8th of that year the railroad had the first sale of City Lots in Texarkana.  This marks the founding of our great twin cities!  2023 is the 150th year since the first transaction of the property was made in Texarkana, USA and we will spend the year celebrating the history, art, music culture, and pride of Texarkana!  Below is a list of events that is sponsored by the TXK150 Committee.  Stay tuned for more updates all throughout 2023!

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14 & 15

Centennial Time Capsule/
Sesquicentennial Festival
It is time to open the Centennial Time Capsule that was left for us in 1973!  We will celebrate this occasion with a community festival in downtown Texarkana!
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Sesquicentennial Ball
In 1926, Texarkana celebrated the Sesquicentennial of the United States with a Sesquicentennial Ball!  In 2023, we will recreate this special memory with a Texarkana Sesquicentennial Ball!
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Founders' Week Celebration
December 4th - December 10th will bring multiple events and activities to celebrate our great city!  Join us for the annual Christmas Parade, Texarkana! "The Musical", and many other spectacular occasions dedicated to the history, art, music, and beauty of Texarkana! 

There is so much more to come!  we will announce additional events on a quarterly basis.  Stay tuned here, at, and on Facebook!

To have your business or organization's event considered for our quarterly calendar please click here and complete the submission form!

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